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Striped Bass IMG_6200

Striped Bass

2013 Update - With my new used boat with only 3 hrs of usage when I got it, I do not plan to hit the slat with it this year.   So I may take the year off with Stripers for that reason....I will pack my rods when we head to the Ocean though.

The Striped Bass exists primarily in New Hampshire as a saltwater variety - moving to our waters seasonally in the spring and heading south in the fall.   Striped Bass follow the tides and this and bait fish availability dictate their aggressiveness to strike a lure.  They will be very selective and inactive during non-feeding times such as when the tide is not shifting.  For this reason, they can be  fairly elusive to the occasional angler who doesn’t focus their tactics for this species and fishes when the time is right for him or her.  

The experienced angler can catch Striped Bass throughout the entire season by following their feeding activities, and their preferred bait depending on their location.    The Striped Bass fishery in New Hampshire is excellent as it is in Maine and Massachusetts.   A cow Striper is 30 lbs and many are caught each year.

The reason this species is so special is the bull dog nature of the fight.  The bite may be very light or quite savage.  Once hooked the initial run will pull drag and then it is a test of strength and muscle.  Although not a leaper, they will not give up and will keep putting effort until at the boat.   Often Striper fishing will accompany Bluefish as they will feed on the same bait fish species.   Another tell tale sign is birds and other fisherman that the Stripers are feeding. 

Fly fishing for Striped Bass is very popular for very much the same reason as catching a Smallmouth Bass on a fly rod.   The fight will last but with the Striper the run will require a fly reel with a decent drag.

There are many excellent resources available to engage in this excellent fishery.

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